Torture and Rummy the Dummy
There is so much immorality coming from the Right these days it is hard to know what to blog about this A.M. I am trying to figure out the torture thing - and, f.y.i., the G.O.P. "compromise" allows torture. So why do immoral ones in the White House want to torture human beings so badly?
We know - and they know - it does not work. So that reason is no good. They are unconscious sadists - other people doing the dirty work of their cruelest impulses. This reason works for me to an extent. Actually, it sums up Bush's entire life. But here is the reason that makes the most sense - TORTURE CREATES ENEMIES. They need enemies. They want the war to be endless - because they are addicted to war - as long as other people's kids are fighting it. If there is no enemy they must create one. And they are doing a very good job of it. TORTURE CREATES ENEMIES - which is what the immoral ones want more of. Also - the army may be turning on Rummy the Dummy - a very helpful development. It's sad but true - right now the Pentagon may be the only institution in our great country that has the power to end the insanity Bush created.
We know - and they know - it does not work. So that reason is no good. They are unconscious sadists - other people doing the dirty work of their cruelest impulses. This reason works for me to an extent. Actually, it sums up Bush's entire life. But here is the reason that makes the most sense - TORTURE CREATES ENEMIES. They need enemies. They want the war to be endless - because they are addicted to war - as long as other people's kids are fighting it. If there is no enemy they must create one. And they are doing a very good job of it. TORTURE CREATES ENEMIES - which is what the immoral ones want more of. Also - the army may be turning on Rummy the Dummy - a very helpful development. It's sad but true - right now the Pentagon may be the only institution in our great country that has the power to end the insanity Bush created.
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