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Thursday, September 28, 2006


I just finished mowing the lawn with the old fashioned non-gas push mower. It's work but it's good exercise and you can feel self-righteous while you're sweating like a mad man. (I also hung two loads of clothes out to dry today, call Al Gore!)

It's very zen mowing the lawn with a quiet mower. I was writing a TV show in my head about a senator's wife who ends up becoming senator. He's a Republican and she's a Democrat and what she would say about the Iraq war.

Basically, it's bull shit. We cannot continue on the course we are on - period. If President Bush truly wants to win he HAS to put more troops on the ground. Since we don't have more troops he HAS to initiate a draft. If any Republican says that Democrats are cut and run they are stay and die. Because that's what is happening. We are spending $2 billion per week on the war. $2 billion. I cannot even comprehend that amount of money. That's almost $12 million per hour. Where is all this money going? Where's the oversight?

There's the story today about the millions squandered building a police training station that is going to have to be destroyed because it's a piece of crap, literally, crap falls from the ceilings along with urine. There's the escalating violence with 100 Iraqis being killed every day. There's Iran funding Moktada al- Sadr. There's the poll that 61% of Iraqis support killing Americans.

We are not winning and we cannot win if we do not change (or actually get) a strategy.

Perhaps the generals talking to Mr. Murtha know that we don't have the troops and that's why they want to re-deploy. Perhaps they know we don't have a strategy for success under Mr. Rumsfeld and they don't want to be responsible for any more American deaths because of his lack of planning.

Whatever the reason, there is no reason for any Democrat to take any crap from Republicans on Iraq. I believe the phrase is shit or get off the pot. More troops or pull out.

