Chris Wallace is a revolting pigman.
Fox News is a viral infection. What asswipes like Chris Wallace do not realize is that in defending their own class and hoodwinking half the country with fearmongering and distractions they always - eventually - destroy themselves. Which is why liberals win every argument in the long run.
Nevertheless, The swiftboating of Clinton continues from the lying scumbags on the Right.
The country and the world were so much better off when Clinton was in office. Anyone who thinks Bush is a better President than Clinton is an evil idiot. In denial. Probably a real or potential sociopath. With unresolved daddy issues. Self centered in the extreme. Stupid, but shrewd. (which could be the name of George W Bush's memoir. )
It is self evident that Clinton is our best President since JFK.
Nevertheless, The swiftboating of Clinton continues from the lying scumbags on the Right.
The country and the world were so much better off when Clinton was in office. Anyone who thinks Bush is a better President than Clinton is an evil idiot. In denial. Probably a real or potential sociopath. With unresolved daddy issues. Self centered in the extreme. Stupid, but shrewd. (which could be the name of George W Bush's memoir. )
It is self evident that Clinton is our best President since JFK.
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