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Thursday, September 07, 2006

The ABC's of Bullshit

Two pieces of bullshit have hurt liberal causes more than any other in the last 30 years.

1. The media has a "liberal bias".

2. Believing in conspiracies is silly - causing immediate eye rolls and smug condescension among liberals when anyone uses the word conspiracy. This smugness has done progressives more damage than any right wing attack.

The truth:
1. Like all entrenched institutions the media is conservative in all areas including its world view. ABC happily broadcasting an idiotic lie over 2 nights about 9/11 is just more proof of this conservative bias. And is, no doubt, a fine example of the melding of number one and number two above.

2. Conspiracies exist. Essentially, history is one conspiracy after another, with a few intervening natural disaters, and periodic human greatness and human error. Here is Webster's second definition for the C word: to act in harmony toward a common end. Does anyone truly think the piece of shit ABC is dumping on us all next week is random? Conservatives conspired on all levels to see it through along with all the other Democrat baiting going on until the mid-term election - and, no, they don't talk to each other and make task lists. But they do conspire. Why is this so hard for liberals to confront? The propaganda run up to the Bush war was a series of conspiracies between right wingers, Judy Miller types, and the larger media. And it worked. Frankly, it does not even need to be secret for long. Just long enough to get the deed done. Ask the senators who stabbed Julius Caesar.
Until we on the Left understand what we are up against idiocies like the Clinton impeachment, and atrocities like the Iraq war will continue. The first step is to stop whining about the media and force it to change.

