The simple reason to fire Lieberman's tired ass.
I have no idea what will happen to Joe Lieberman today in his primary battle. But here is a gloves off moment: I hope he gets his ass kicked six ways to Sunday by Lamont. No, I do not care if he is a "nice guy." I want to point one thing missing from rants on all sides about Lieberman's troubles. He is in trouble because he is too cozy with Bush, because he was an asswipe during the bogus Clinton impeachment, because he is for a war that no one wants anymore except the Cheney trust fund managers - HOWEVER - all that aside - Lie ber Man deserves to lose his job for one reason only:
As was every other person who jumped on the invade Iraq bandwagon. The LEFT, ignored and attacked by the media and everyone else in the run up - WAS RIGHT ABOUT IRAQ. It is time for the Left to claim and proclaim this fact - WE WERE RIGHT. Lieberman's colossal misjudgment is reason enough to fire his tired ass out right. I do not give a shit how "nice" he is. If voters could fire Bush, Cheney, Rice and that clown at the Pentagon today I am quite sure they would. Everyone who insisted the Iraq war was the right thing to do - while ignoring all the facts, ignoring the informed views of those on the Left, in the military, and intelligence community - and some on the far right - DESERVES TO LOSE THEIR JOBS. This is not a minor misjudgment on Lieberman's part. It is a misjudgment that will affect American lives for 50 years. The reason to pitch Lieberman overboard is simple: HE WAS WRONG.
As was every other person who jumped on the invade Iraq bandwagon. The LEFT, ignored and attacked by the media and everyone else in the run up - WAS RIGHT ABOUT IRAQ. It is time for the Left to claim and proclaim this fact - WE WERE RIGHT. Lieberman's colossal misjudgment is reason enough to fire his tired ass out right. I do not give a shit how "nice" he is. If voters could fire Bush, Cheney, Rice and that clown at the Pentagon today I am quite sure they would. Everyone who insisted the Iraq war was the right thing to do - while ignoring all the facts, ignoring the informed views of those on the Left, in the military, and intelligence community - and some on the far right - DESERVES TO LOSE THEIR JOBS. This is not a minor misjudgment on Lieberman's part. It is a misjudgment that will affect American lives for 50 years. The reason to pitch Lieberman overboard is simple: HE WAS WRONG.
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