Rummy Gets Roasted
So, Ms. Clinton fried Rumsfeld like a chicken yesterday.
Check out the New York Times today.
Am I upset? No
Are they right? No
Should the Times building be blown up? You Bet
Do I know what I'm doing? You'd have a dickens of a time proving that
Will I pretend to resign again in a meaningless gesture? Sure
Will Bush accept while he's on vacation in Crawford? Doubtful
Are there unknow-ables? How I got this job might count. How I keep this job, totally
I have to say it was good to see Iraq back on the news.
Everyone has a theory about why we've gone 24/7 to Israel. It's a war we can actually cover unlike Iraq which is too dangerous for reporters. It's summer and Iraq is too depressing (according to Bill O'Reilly). The Israeli uniforms are cuter. But I think it's because we don't have a stake and it's not our fault.
Because lost amid the shelling of Beirut was the report that we did kill people in cold blood as Jack Murtha said in Haditha.
Do we want to deal with that? Apparently not.
Check out the New York Times today.
It's been obvious for years that Donald Rumsfeld is in denial of reality, but the defense secretary now also seems stuck in a time warp. You could practically hear the dominoes falling as he told the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday that it was dangerous for Americans to even talk about how to end the war in Iraq.How do you think Rumsfeldl would respond to the latest salvo?
Americans who once expected the Pentagon to win the war in Iraq have now been reduced to waiting for an indication that at least someone is minding the store. They won't be comforted to hear Mr. Rumsfeld fretting about protecting Spain from Muslim occupation.
Am I upset? No
Are they right? No
Should the Times building be blown up? You Bet
Do I know what I'm doing? You'd have a dickens of a time proving that
Will I pretend to resign again in a meaningless gesture? Sure
Will Bush accept while he's on vacation in Crawford? Doubtful
Are there unknow-ables? How I got this job might count. How I keep this job, totally
I have to say it was good to see Iraq back on the news.
Everyone has a theory about why we've gone 24/7 to Israel. It's a war we can actually cover unlike Iraq which is too dangerous for reporters. It's summer and Iraq is too depressing (according to Bill O'Reilly). The Israeli uniforms are cuter. But I think it's because we don't have a stake and it's not our fault.
Because lost amid the shelling of Beirut was the report that we did kill people in cold blood as Jack Murtha said in Haditha.
Do we want to deal with that? Apparently not.
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