Conservatives need to apologize to Liberals
Wapo has a piece on how conservatives are turning on Bush and his Iraq war. Seems to be quite the trend. Since conservatives are never accountable for their actions I don't expect that. But how about an apology for just how stupid and wrong they were about Iraq. And an acknowledgement that - once again - on the major issue of the day, the Left was right.
Let's hear one of those gung ho civilians on the Right say something like "You know what, we should have listened to some of the liberal commentators a little more closely in the run up to the Iraq invasion. A lot of what they said turned out to be correct."
Or even this will do "oops! Sorry about that. Those crazy Libs were right again!"
Of course, the conservatives have turned on each other. They always do eventually - because they are always wrong to begin with. It's hard to be accountable and apologize when you're always wrong.
Let's hear one of those gung ho civilians on the Right say something like "You know what, we should have listened to some of the liberal commentators a little more closely in the run up to the Iraq invasion. A lot of what they said turned out to be correct."
Or even this will do "oops! Sorry about that. Those crazy Libs were right again!"
Of course, the conservatives have turned on each other. They always do eventually - because they are always wrong to begin with. It's hard to be accountable and apologize when you're always wrong.
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