Slippery Slope
Jon Stewart dismantled Bill Bennett's arguments on gay marriage.
When Mr. Bennett said that marriage is a stabilizer Mr. Stewart asked him why he wouldn't want gays to participate to have that, too.
Mr. Stewart made the point that my friend, John, has made a number of times on this blog, that conservatives are always wrong on social issues. Always.
When Mr. Bennett said that the courts have decided the issue of gay marriage Mr. Stewart responded by saying it's a natural progression.
When Mr. Bennett argued the "slippery slope" Mr. Stewart fired back with polygamy is a choice, being gay is biological.
It was beautiful TV.
It made me think about the slippery slope. These people who argue against gay marriage are the same people who would have argued against interracial marriage. There's your slippery slope. If we say gays can't marry who's to say we won't next say that blacks can't marry whites? That Hispanics can't marry blacks? That Muslims can't marry Christians?
The good news is that people under 40 do not give a shit about gay marriage.
We just need them all to vote.
When Mr. Bennett said that marriage is a stabilizer Mr. Stewart asked him why he wouldn't want gays to participate to have that, too.
Mr. Stewart made the point that my friend, John, has made a number of times on this blog, that conservatives are always wrong on social issues. Always.
When Mr. Bennett said that the courts have decided the issue of gay marriage Mr. Stewart responded by saying it's a natural progression.
When Mr. Bennett argued the "slippery slope" Mr. Stewart fired back with polygamy is a choice, being gay is biological.
It was beautiful TV.
It made me think about the slippery slope. These people who argue against gay marriage are the same people who would have argued against interracial marriage. There's your slippery slope. If we say gays can't marry who's to say we won't next say that blacks can't marry whites? That Hispanics can't marry blacks? That Muslims can't marry Christians?
The good news is that people under 40 do not give a shit about gay marriage.
We just need them all to vote.
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