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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

No vision. No victory.

I hope I am wrong. I am prone to ranting every two years as to why the Democrats won't win - and by "win" I mean a change of majority in either house of congress. The Democrats have no plans for victory in November that are not dependent on the GOP botching it. Here's what we know about the GOP: They cannot govern. They can. However, win elections. The GOP is showing no signs that they are going to botch this election. Thus far the Democratic "plans" for victory look like this:
Plan A - "the culture of corruption" - a slogan that has worn thin already. It is not a plan anyway. It slogan than any two bit GOP hack can destroy with a few talking points and one crooked Democratic congressman.
Plan B - Rove goes down. That little delusion ended today.
Plan C - High gas prices. Hoping people will be angry enough to vote for the other party. Won't work. And is not a plan either - it is a hope.
There is no other plan. Democrats are still unwilling to fight this battle ruthlessly and on the proper battle field. Like it or not - the main battlefield is not the "grass roots." Or, rather, it is not only the grass roots. The main battle field is television. Even when all the news is bad the GOP dictates the terms on the conversation in the media. How can they do this? They have a plan and a vision. It's mostly lies, distortions, and more lies - but it is coherent. It comes together in nice 5 minute chunks on TV. The Democratic response? Bitching about Bush. It's based in truth - but it will not win a damn thing. I am convinced more and more that Pelosi and Reid and the rest of them simply do not understand how and why Democrats - against all logic- have stayed in the minority so long. They are losers is the broadest sense. They do not know how to win. They do not remember what winning takes.
What is the Democratic vision for America? Does anyone know? No vision. No victory.

