I love Keith Olbermann.
Last week he did a story on Bill O'Reilly and Mr. Olbermann was incensed. Rightly so. In order for the Bush Cult to justify Haditha they have to denigrate the soldiers of WWII. God forbid you just say it was a mistake.
Mr. O'Reilly falsely stated that American's killed Germans at Malmedy during the Battle of the Bulge. The German in Charge, Joachim Peiper and his unit were charged after the war for:
"That they willfully, deliberately and wrongfully permit, encourage, aid, abet and participate in the killing, shooting, ill treatment, abuse and torture of members of the armed forces of the United States of America."
What did those Germans do?
The bodies could not be claimed until after the Battle of the Bulge was won, by us.
Tony Blankley was on McGlaughlin and he, too, had the talking points that during WWII we committed atrocities.
Mr. Blankley and Mr. O'Reilly may not be aware that the Germans put off surrendering until more of their troops could get West to surrender to us instead of the Soviets.
We were the good guys. Don't slander those men in order to justify what Mr. Bush is doing now.
I can't help but wonder what Bush, Sr. thinks about this. He fought in WWII. Is this OK with him? That a Chicken Hawk like O'Reilly vilifies the men Bush went to war with cannot be OK.
It's certainly no OK with me.
Last week he did a story on Bill O'Reilly and Mr. Olbermann was incensed. Rightly so. In order for the Bush Cult to justify Haditha they have to denigrate the soldiers of WWII. God forbid you just say it was a mistake.
Mr. O'Reilly falsely stated that American's killed Germans at Malmedy during the Battle of the Bulge. The German in Charge, Joachim Peiper and his unit were charged after the war for:
"That they willfully, deliberately and wrongfully permit, encourage, aid, abet and participate in the killing, shooting, ill treatment, abuse and torture of members of the armed forces of the United States of America."
What did those Germans do?
At about 14.15, soldiers from the 1st SS Panzer Division opened fire on the 113 men who were in the field. The firing stopped at about 14.30. Soldiers from Peiper's unit went around the field and shot at close range anyone who seemed to be alive - or clubbed them to death as later autopsies showed. Incredibly, some prisoners did get away after feigning death. It was three of these escapees that came across Pergrin.
The bodies could not be claimed until after the Battle of the Bulge was won, by us.
Tony Blankley was on McGlaughlin and he, too, had the talking points that during WWII we committed atrocities.
Mr. Blankley and Mr. O'Reilly may not be aware that the Germans put off surrendering until more of their troops could get West to surrender to us instead of the Soviets.
We were the good guys. Don't slander those men in order to justify what Mr. Bush is doing now.
I can't help but wonder what Bush, Sr. thinks about this. He fought in WWII. Is this OK with him? That a Chicken Hawk like O'Reilly vilifies the men Bush went to war with cannot be OK.
It's certainly no OK with me.
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