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Friday, June 09, 2006

It really is Ironic

We are living in the golden age of Irony. And I mean in a Jonathan Swift kind way, not Allanis Morrisett.

Apparently Mr. Bush was going to fire Rumsfeld until all those generals came out and told Mr. Bush to fire Rumsfeld. So he didn't. Now that Mr. Rumsfeld has the success of killing Zaquari Mr. Bush can fire Rumsfeld because people will not be telling him to.

That is convoluted.

I've been thinking about abortion and how Democrats are "the party of death".

Why is the right wing so focused on abortion? Because it's easy. If you're a right wing man you will never have to deal with being pregnant so it's a snap to say abortion is wrong. I admit I have a harder time with explaining the women's rationale. But I think for all of them it's an easy issue to feel good about themselves. See, we believe in Life!

And yet, doing the hard stuff, like taking care of the poor, isn't part of the agenda. I will say that perhaps Sam Brownback is truly pro life in that he supported us giving aid to Darfur prior to George Clooney. Look at Tom Delay. Anti abortion and making sure that the people of the Mariannas Islands don't make a living wage. Let's look at most of the Republican senators who voted for the bankruptcy bill. They made sure there were no provisions for people who had catastrophic medical bills or were recently divorced. And don't let anyone tell you that those two groups don't account for the majority of bankruptcies because they do. It's not some jerk running up his visa bills and then wanting to skip out. Look at the tax cuts. The bottom line is that they don't help the poor, or the middle class, or the upper middle class. They help the top 1%. The Estate Tax effects the top .5%. How many Republicans voted to help those people? Well I believe the answer is 48! But raising the minimum wage? Horrors. It will hurt small business. No, wrong again. In every state that has a higher minimum wage it has not hurt any business. In fact it helps because people have more income to spend. It hurts Walmart. So sad.

Being against abortion makes the conservatives feel they can take the moral high ground even when they're taking trips to Scotland with Jack Abramoff.

