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Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Democratic plan for maintaining a minority.

So Busby lost in San Diego. Yeah. So. If you thought she was actually going to win you are spending too much time in the echo chamber of Left wing blogs. And you probably are not in southern California. The scenario in which Busby could have won in that district simply is not happening -yet. Democrats had better wake up if they expect to pick up 15 seats. I see no reason why they will. I see plenty of reasons why the Busby loss will mirror election night in November. Democrats will pick up ground. Democrats will not win the majority in the House. Busby got a lot of votes that previously went to GOP candidates in that district. And she still lost.

Why will 2006 more than likely end with a GOP majority just as it began? The answer is simple enough. There is still more reasons for swing voters to be wary of Democrats than there are reasons to support them. Why? Democrats have yet to put forth a coherent plan on much of anything. Catch phrases and an imploding opposition do not add up to victory in war time. This is a basic and obvious political truth that Pelosi and the rest of the "leadership" simply do not see. Where is the simple 5 point plan that Democrats can run on? And please no whining about how Newt Gingrich did not announce the "contract for America" until September. Pelosi and Reid and all the rest of the know-nothings wandering between press releases and CNN appearances need to INGEST one obvious fact: IT IS NOT 1994. Hello? Anyone in there? In 2006 there is a war going on. When a country is at war the opposition had better present a goddman reason as to why swing voters should vote the majority out. Newt gave reasons but he did not need to. "We don't quite trust the president who won only a plurality just 2 years ago" was plenty of reason. He seized the moment anyway. The "culture of corruption" is not enough.Press releases that are the policy equivalent of random farts IS NOT A PLAN. What is so galling about this is that I see no evidence whatsoever that Pelosi etc have any intention of ever putting forth a set of policies - a set of reasons! - why Democrats are worthy of my vote - before or after labor day. I will, no doubt, vote for the Democrat in my house race. But believe me - my district is not in play. I wonder - why should a moderate independent voter in upstate New York vote for a Democrat? I can tell you why he/she should vote against the Republican. But that WILL NOT WIN ENOUGH SEATS - unless gas goes to $5.00 and the stock market crashes. Is that the Democratic plan?
The joke of it is that it doesn't even have to be a plan that everyone likes or agrees with. It can be a plan chock full of trip wires for the GOP. It can be a plan without a huge amount of specifics. It just has to be a plan THAT INDICATES A DIRECTION.
Alternative Energy.
The absolute protection of Social Security.
Protection for our troops in Iraq, support of our Vets,
A reconstituted FEMA to ensure that Katrina never happens again.

What soccer mom does not want this? What moderate voter will see a Democratic alternative like this and say "gee, I'll vote for the GOP again." Will it be hammered by the GOP? - you bet. But if we had Democrats who BELIEVED in policy enough to fight for it - the bull horn on the Right would be swept aside.

Where is the Democratic leadership? Out to Lunch. Karl Rove loves Pelosi and her nattering nabobs of negativity. Her "style" works just fine for him and his boss. The GOP will hold a 5 seat majority in 2007 instead of a 15 seat majority. That's all Rove needs.

