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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Charge of the Whine Brigade

Oh you crazy Democrats.

Did everyone get the email that apparently Chuck Schumer won't rule out supporting Joe Lieberman if he runs as an independent? What is that about? What an concept to build the party! Let's run everyone out of the party who will actually do us some good.

Case in point - Paul Hackett. He was on Scarborough Country tonight. He was clear and credible. Jeez, we can't have that - let's drive him out of the race for Senate in Ohio. He almost beat Mean Jean in an ultra Republican district. He is an Iraq War veteran. He cuts the bull shit. And our Senate Campaign Committee told him they wouldn't give him any money.

Jack Murtha came out with a plan. What did the Democrats in the house do? They ducked and covered. It doesn't matter what you think about Mr. Murtha's plan at least he is clear. He is trying to do something. Because 2,500 dead soldiers is not a number, Mr. Snow. It's families broken apart. It's a dad who won't be home for Father's Day.

Is anyone else ready for a third party? Or do we kick out Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi because they are not Democrats?

Because Tom Jefferson wouldn't have closed down the Senate to force Mr. Roberts to finish the second part of the report on intelligence and then NEVER FOLLOW UP. (I just had a visual of Sam Adams nagging Tom to finish the first draft of the Declaration of Indepence.) Mr. Reid, please take a page from Ronald Reagan's book - the Democrat Party is trying to leave you.

