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Thursday, March 02, 2006

You couldn't have seen it coming

This is a comment that was posted by Harold on Fanatical Apathy, one of the funniest blogs ever. (If you didn't read Adam Felber's concession speech after the 2004 election click here and laugh 'til you cry).

How to think like a Republican:
1. Whenever possible, blame Clinton.
2. If this is not possible for obvious timeline reasons, blame Carter.
3. If #2 fails, blame Roosevelt and the New Deal.
4. If you've really screwed up, bring up Ted Kennedy and Chappaquidick.

Example: The mess in Iraq can be traced to a failure of leadership during the Clinton years, when the Democrats failed to deal with the emerging threats of militant Islam that had grown from seeds that first germinated during the Carter administration. Carter's failure to forcefully and decisively deal with emerging Islamic fundamentalists in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and most notably Iran has directly led to the current Middle East situation. And FDR's so-called "New Deal" has led to a weakening of America's resolve. Also, Ted Kennedy once crashed a car and left his secretary behind to drown. So, clearly, the current administration is not to blame.

Watching the video of the President during the Katrina briefing, completely unengaged, well, he was on vacation after all, and then going to sites like RedState, Free Republic and the AOL message boards made me think of the comment above.

First off, Redstate, as of this morning has nothing on Katrina & Bush. Free Republic is blaming Nagan. AOL? Dear God, there are people who bring up Monica.

Let me tell you something, the moment you bring up Clinton's affair you have lost the argument. First, in case you haven't noticed, Clinton has not been in office for five years. Secondly, you only remind us that during the Clinton years we had the luxury of someone's sex life being the top news. We had a surplus, we were paying down the national debt, real wages were rising, anyone could make money on the stock market and we had a balanced budget. Good times.

Now there are so many scandals you can't keep up. Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, The Downing Street Memos, Jeff Gannon, Katrina, warrentless wiretaps, Valarie Plame, the Dubai deal, Abu Ghraib, torture, Harriet Myers, Terry Schiavo, Global Warming, Social Security, Mission Accomplished, Armstrong Williams, paying for "news" articles in Iraqi papers, Halliburton, lack of body armor for the troops, lack of armored vehicles for the troops, the largest trade deficit ever, a looming Iraq Civil war, 2296 of our troops killed so far, millions of dollars "lost" in Iraq. And does anyone remember President Bush putting Karl Rove in charge of rebuilding New Orleans? Heck of a job, Turd Blossom.

Amazingly everything takes this administration by surprise; nothing is anticipated. How exciting when everything is new to you. Please don't tell the President that Nick at Nite is made up entirely of re-runs.

