The Terrorists Are Laughing
Read this.
The unmasking of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson by White House officials in 2003 caused significant damage to U.S. national security and its ability to counter nuclear proliferation abroad, RAW STORY has learned.Well, well, well. What will all the people who said that leaking the news of warrentless wire taps was a threat to national security say now? If they were honest (who are we kidding?) they would say that perhaps the leaking of Ms. Wilson's covert status was as damaging to our national security. They want Mr. Risen on a stick. Will they also want Mr. Novak skewered? That would, of course, mean that they would have to deal with reality. Which is something that the true believers will never do.
According to current and former intelligence officials, Plame Wilson, who worked on the clandestine side of the CIA in the Directorate of Operations as a non-official cover (NOC) officer, was part of an operation tracking distribution and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction technology to and from Iran.
Speaking under strict confidentiality, intelligence officials revealed heretofore unreported elements of Plame's work. Their accounts suggest that Plame's outing was more serious than has previously been reported and carries grave implications for U.S. national security and its ability to monitor Iran's burgeoning nuclear program.
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