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Thursday, January 05, 2006

The year of Peak Oil and other stuff

Okay okay STOP ASKING! I'll do it!. I predict for 2006 the following - no wait - here and here are two "predictions" blogs that pretty much cover it for me, too. Still, I'll concur, add, and emphasize a few things of my own. 2006:
1. Gas will hit 4 dollars a gallon in July.
2. Michael Jackson will go and meet the Barry Gordy in the sky.
3. Tom Delay will lose reelection to the House.
4. Jon Stewart will get rave reviews after hosting the Oscars, he will be asked to takeover Nightline, run for congress, become Prime Minister of New Zealand, and become athletic director at William and Mary.
5. The U.S. will bomb Iran.
6. Scott McClellan will explode. Spontaneous Human Combustion becomes common place in Republican circles right after the all star break in July. Peggy Noonan, John Gibson, and Sean Hannity will all explode on TV. Noonan's last words on Larry King will be "I'm melting...buy my book...no Larry! No! Ann Coulter still lives..." Somehow she will manage to be condescending and syrupy until the very last. Rita Cosby will have breaking developments on this story every night for 6 months, until she explodes while interviewing a person who once worked as a security guard at a mall in Akron - which she will equate to being a police officer in Aruba. Her last words: "Aruba...hmmm....Waffles....hmmm...."
7. The phrases "Peak oil" and "Iraqi civil war" will become commonplace in the media.
8. Arnold will win reelection in CA. with a majority of Democratic votes. GOP voters will stay home.
9. On the field, on the jumbo tron, half time marriage proposals will be banned after a woman at the Gator Bowl responds to her suitor with "what are you, fucking nuts? Your breath curls hair."
10. A Roe Vs. Wade challenge will be heard by the Supreme court in late 2006, Roe will be overturned in 2007. This will return the Democrats to power in congress in 2008.
11. Illegal immigrants will be used to scare the GOP base into voting en mass and they will retain control of both houses in 2006.

