Speaking Spanish is not a crime
I do not speak Spanish. Being in Los Angeles I have learned to understand quite a bit, which pleases me no end. I love the sound of it and know both Cubans who speak with a clipped precise rhythm and Mexican and Central American immigrants whose language flows more smoothly. The most idiotic and infuriating devolution of the Illegal immigration debate is the attack on native Spanish speakers speaking Spanish. Of course, people who move here should learn English A.S.A.P. And I admit little patience for any immigrant who does not learn the language in a reasonable amount of time. But I have met very few who do not make the effort. That is why this story is so disgusting.
Karl Rove knows he has an effective divisive issue in the 2006 campaign in going after illegal immigrants. But I hope everyone remains clear. The problem of illegal immigrants is caused by EMPLOYERS. The overwhelming number of Spanish speaking immigrants come here because there is work. Period. They come because they are hired. If those who hire these people, and break the law doing it, were arrested the problem would end. But the American Chamber of Commerce would not tolerate that.
This issue needs to be dealt with honestly. Rove and Bush will spend 2006 stoking fears to keep control of congress. The moment the election is over, they will drop it. Attacking those who so much as speak Spanish is exactly what Rove wants to start an election year.
Karl Rove knows he has an effective divisive issue in the 2006 campaign in going after illegal immigrants. But I hope everyone remains clear. The problem of illegal immigrants is caused by EMPLOYERS. The overwhelming number of Spanish speaking immigrants come here because there is work. Period. They come because they are hired. If those who hire these people, and break the law doing it, were arrested the problem would end. But the American Chamber of Commerce would not tolerate that.
This issue needs to be dealt with honestly. Rove and Bush will spend 2006 stoking fears to keep control of congress. The moment the election is over, they will drop it. Attacking those who so much as speak Spanish is exactly what Rove wants to start an election year.
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