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Friday, December 02, 2005

I love Jack Murtha

I met a woman today who's son has been in Iraq for nearly a year. He has never met his son. He told her today that he doesn't believe in God anymore. Because God is not in Iraq. He saw a little three year old girl burning to death and he wondered if he should shoot her to put her out of her misery - he couldn't do it. He saw a man drive a car up, his hands duct taped to the steering wheel and the back seat full of explosives. They cut him out, not knowing if someone would remotely blow up the car and he was so freaked out that once he got out the car he ran into a wall. He told them that if he didn't drive the car they would shoot his family. He told the Americans where they were.

I live in a small town, very red, and this woman said we need to get out of Iraq. She was not politically active. She said we are there for the President and the Senator's oil. She also said her son is going to need a lot of counseling when he gets home. I asked her what I can do? She said what can any of us do?

Well, consider this a call to action. We need to call our elected officals every day. We need massive protests. We need to show our support for the troops by ending the war. You can also donate to booksforsoliers.com and USO.org. We don't even provide our soldiers free phone calls. The USA has Operation Phone Home. Send them a couple of dollars. If you knit you can knit helmet liners. We are not asked to make any sacrifices. Let's make them ourselves.

