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Friday, November 18, 2005

We all know they lied. But why?

They lied about the reasons for war. Dress it up any way you like. The truth is they lied. Argument against this: Everyone had the same intelligence. Everyone thought Saddam had WMD.
This argument has the benefit of being both wrong and beside the point. Not to mention childish. No one else started a war, regardless of what "they knew." Bush did. Why?
I don't want to see the Left get caught in the cul da sac of "THEY LIED" for any longer than is politically useful. I know they lied. You know they lied. They know they lied.

Logic dictates only 2 answers.

1. Reelection. Strength, Balls, and Security sell. I hate this reason. I do not want to think that leaders put people in harm's way to win votes. But they do. Grab any High School history text off the shelf - Rove did.
2. Oil. It seems to be "uncool" on the Left to say this bluntly - but it is the only reason for this war that stands up to scrutiny. Every bit of American life is utterly and completely dependent on cheap oil. Cheney understands this. It is awful but true: American soldiers are sacrificing their lives for oil. This war is about a resource called oil. Believe it. Know it every time you start your car. Every time you get on a plane. Every time you buy a head of lettuce that has been trucked to the store. Every time you turn out the lights at night.
The truth the GOP cannot abide is this fact: we are owned by oil. That is why they are being hysterical and trashing good men, like Rep. John Murtha. This man has singlehandedly raised the anti-war argument above and beyond the horror of the Bush administration's lies. And horrible is what those lies are. They are beyond the pale, beyond all reason and morality.
Can the Democrats come to terms with the lies told in order to obtain and control oil? I do not know. I do not think so. I do not think we as a people can ingest this. But this war must be stopped nonetheless. If Mr. Murtha's backbone and courage is the vehicle on which we ride to clarity and a return to truth - so be it.

No American Soldier should die for oil. Ever.

