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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Iraq and Vietnam: a short list.

Orrin Hatch was on the John Birch News Network (uh, I mean Fox News) spewing the Bush hack talking points and he, in a nod to Freud, mistakenly referred to Iraq as Vietnam. Hatch is tuned into the gestalt. Whereas there certainly are differences, - ( Iraq has less trees. Ho Chi Min CHOSE to live in fox holes. And the civil war had already begun in Vietnam when we showed up. In Iraq it did not start until we arrived.) After W's latest speech (the "PLEASE LISTEN: THIS TIME I MEAN IT!" speech). It occurs to me that the single biggest difference is this:
Bush is delusional. LBJ was not. We now know LBJ was tormented by his war. Bush is only tormented when he has to stay up past his bed time.

In the tradition of "Lincoln/Kennedy Coincidence?"
here is a short list.

Iraq: WMD's
Vietnam: Gulf of Tonkin
Iraq: American dead in first two years after March 03 invasion: 1535 (135,000 total American troops during this period.)
Vietnam: American dead in first two years after Gulf of Tonkin: 2142 (17,000 total American troops during this period.)
Iraq: "We will stand down when Iraqis stand up."
Vietnam: Vietnamization
Iraq: John Murtha amendment
Vietnam: McGovern/Hatfield amendment
Iraq: Bush's "We have a plan" speech (es?).
Vietnam: Nixon's secret plan to end the war.
Iraq: Stopping the spread of fundamentalist Islam
Vietnam: The Domino theory
Iraq: Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense. Cat fight with secretary of State Colin Powell.
Vietnam: Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense under Ford and the end of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Cat fight with Sec. of State Kissinger.
Iraq: Abu Ghraib
Vietnam: My Lai
Iraq: White Phosphorus
Vietnam: Agent Orange
Iraq: Downing Street Memo
Vietnam: Pentagon Papers
Iraq: Haliburton
Vietnam: Brown and Root.
Iraq: all purpose punching bag, Michael Moore
Vietnam: all purpose punching bag, Jane Fonda
Iraq: The Rolling Stones on tour.
Vietnam: The Rolling Stones on tour.

