How to Never Be Wrong
I'm going to be redundant, forgive me please, but I did not defend Bill Clinton for having an inappropriate relationships with Monica Lewinski. It pissed me off. Since I volunteered for both of his campaigns I felt he lied to me personally.
Watching the Republicans, like Coryn from Texas spin the indictments against Libby makes me sick. Apparently it's just no big deal. What is wrong with us thinking that lying about outing a CIA agent matters? It's really all her fault anyway for marrying Joe Wilson.
God forbid anyone mention that Joe Wilson was our Ambassador to Iraq during the first Gulf War. You really don't want to bring attention to the fact that Bush I relied on Mr. Wilson and that Mr. Wilson got Americans out of Baghdad during the war. No, no, he is partisan. Never mind that he was a Republican until they outed his wife. Facts are pesky and don't help their cause so let's just skip 'em.
When Mr. Bush said in 2000 that his administration would not just do what is legal, they would do what is right he obviously meant it at the time. Circumstances change. We need to accept that. Just like the "shifting rationale" for the war. We went for WMD...wait no, Saddam was involved in 9 11, no, no sorry, we are spreading democracy across the Middle East.
This administration relies on us all having ADD. Sometimes I'm afraid we do.
Watching the Republicans, like Coryn from Texas spin the indictments against Libby makes me sick. Apparently it's just no big deal. What is wrong with us thinking that lying about outing a CIA agent matters? It's really all her fault anyway for marrying Joe Wilson.
God forbid anyone mention that Joe Wilson was our Ambassador to Iraq during the first Gulf War. You really don't want to bring attention to the fact that Bush I relied on Mr. Wilson and that Mr. Wilson got Americans out of Baghdad during the war. No, no, he is partisan. Never mind that he was a Republican until they outed his wife. Facts are pesky and don't help their cause so let's just skip 'em.
When Mr. Bush said in 2000 that his administration would not just do what is legal, they would do what is right he obviously meant it at the time. Circumstances change. We need to accept that. Just like the "shifting rationale" for the war. We went for WMD...wait no, Saddam was involved in 9 11, no, no sorry, we are spreading democracy across the Middle East.
This administration relies on us all having ADD. Sometimes I'm afraid we do.
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