Please read the whole article but here is an excerpt from the Guardian UK:
I have a letter to the editor tomorrow about the Downing Street Memo. It really is the administration's Abbey Road. I believe the president's political capital is wearing no shoes this time, not Paul.
The administration has been put on the defensive, lamely insisting that the decision for war was only taken in February 2003. Some Democrats believe the distance between that claim and these memos supplies the vital element of any scandal: proof that the president lied. They argue that if a fib about a dalliance with an intern was enough to see Bill Clinton impeached, lies that led to the deaths of 1,600 US troops and hundreds of thousands of uncounted and unnamed Iraqi civilians deserve at least the same treatment.
I have a letter to the editor tomorrow about the Downing Street Memo. It really is the administration's Abbey Road. I believe the president's political capital is wearing no shoes this time, not Paul.
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