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Thursday, June 23, 2005

a car bomb there a verbal bomb here.

The last shred of decency in American politics went out the window last night in New York. Karl Rove threw it over board when he insisted that liberal Americans thought Osama should get therapy. Oh my, it is so ridiculous it does not deserve a response. But these bozos remain in power so respond we must. So the truth:

1. The war is very unpopular at home. There is very little W can do about this because his admin was so inept and dishonest about the planning and execution. Americans know the political leaders in this country blew it. Beligerent insistence on a fantasy is the cause for the quaqmire. Rice and Rummy played Risk with real people and now we are all paying. How do we get out of this fix - they asked themselves? distract them.

2. Rove's idiotic remarks come on the heals of Rummy putting Durbin and Jane Fonda in the same sentence. This is not chance. THe word "liberal" and "Fonda" are good old GOP standbys. The conversation - they hope - will now be about who is patriotic and who is not, at least for a while. How the war is going will be the second story - not the first. It isn't much but it is worth it to W and company. At all costs they must make us talk about something else.

3. Moderates and Liberals must keep talking about the war. How we got here and where we are now. We must continue to support the troops by opposing the war. This is how to respond to this disgusting adminstration.

4. Remember this: Rove proved last night that they have lost the PR battle. His remarks were desperate. Calculated and desperate. They know they are in trouble. Big trouble.

Rove can't change what his boss did. Until sanity and reality return to the White House all the verbal bombs they can throw won't change anything. They simply make America an uglier place to live. Not that Rice, Rove, and Rummy care. It is clear that they don't.

