Same as it ever was
My friend John who writes this blog with emailed me last night to watch Hardball because Mia Farrrow was on talking about Darfur. The transcript isn't up yet but as soon as it is we'll post it here.
We are doing nothing. It makes me crazy. We are allowing people to be murdered. We are standing by while women are held in rape camps. And it's not like it just started.
Please write your Senators, your congressman, the president, Kofi Anan.
You can donate at Oxfam or at Wear a wristband, tell your friends, watch the Hotel Rwanda and know that every moment that goes by someone else is dying because we refuse to get involved.
This week marks the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII in Europe. The end of the Holocaust. We must never forget and we must act to end the genocide in Darfur.
We are doing nothing. It makes me crazy. We are allowing people to be murdered. We are standing by while women are held in rape camps. And it's not like it just started.
Please write your Senators, your congressman, the president, Kofi Anan.
You can donate at Oxfam or at Wear a wristband, tell your friends, watch the Hotel Rwanda and know that every moment that goes by someone else is dying because we refuse to get involved.
This week marks the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII in Europe. The end of the Holocaust. We must never forget and we must act to end the genocide in Darfur.
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