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Thursday, May 26, 2005

I'm here to tell you some GOOD NEWS!

OK, here's what I've got.

Tom DeLay:

The treasurer of a political action committee formed by U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay broke the law by not reporting hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions, a judge ruled Thursday in a lawsuit brought by Democratic candidates. State District Judge Joe Hart said the money, much of it corporate contributions, should have been reported to the Texas Ethics Commission.

Oh, Tommy, ain't that some shit? But wait, there's more! Tom is upset that on Law and Order they used his name on an episode about murdering judges. Yeah, try and distract us with that, good try!

Kraft Foods, sponsor of the Gay Games:

"It can be difficult when we are criticized. It's easy to say you support a concept or a principle when nobody objects. The real test of commitment is how one reacts when there are those who disagree. I hope you share my view that our company has taken the right stand on diversity, including its contribution to the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago."

Love them.

Big Shout Out to Walter Jones from North Carolina

Walter Jones, the Republican congressman for North Carolina who was also the brains behind french toast becoming freedom toast in Capitol Hill restaurants, told a local newspaper the US went to war "with no justification".

Although he voted for the war, he has since become one of its most vociferous opponents on Capitol Hill, where the hallway outside his office is lined with photographs of the "faces of the fallen".

"If we were given misinformation intentionally by people in this administration, to commit the authority to send boys, and in some instances girls, to go into Iraq, that is wrong," he told the newspaper. "Congress must be told the truth."

Call him and thank him 202 225-3415.

So, overall I think it's been a pretty good week. Bolton is on Hold, the filibuster remains and Microsoft fired Ralph Reed (no relation - believe me!).

Happy Memorial Day!

