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Thursday, May 12, 2005

I don't know how much more of this I can take

President Bush denigrated both Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill last week, comparing them to Chamberlain.

That takes balls. All four of President Roosevelt's sons served in WWII, which, by the way, he and Prime Minister Churchill WON. They didn't fly over to an aircraft carrier 100 yards off shore and declare Mission Accomplished. They actually won the war. There were no pictures of Roosevelt's daughters on the internet changing into a bikini on the beach, flashing her last name. But the President loves him some freedom and apparently Roosevelt and Churchill didn't.

Pat Buchanon, the arbiter of reason, has jumped even further into the fray

If the objective of the West was the destruction of Nazi Germany, it was a "smashing" success. But why destroy Hitler? If to liberate Germans, it was not worth it. After all, the Germans voted Hitler in.

Not worth it. Hey Pat, do the words Dachau and Auschwitz mean anything to you? Yeah, what are a few Jews, gypsies, gay people and mentally retarded people to you? Maybe you can find some Zyclon B and get the party started here you piece of shit.

What is wrong with these people? Really, I would love to know. I don't understand how any news show could have Pat Buchanon as a talking head, or Robert Novak. Where is the shame?

Now that Iraq is turning into a civil war with over 70 suicide attacks per day and over 1600 dead Americans AND the memo that proves that this administration bent the intelligence to meet their need to invade Iraq I wonder when we will Impeach.

Oh, but a plane flew into Washington airspace and Macaulay Culkin testified at the Michael Jackson hearing. Isn't that much more important?

